Effective natural remedies to get rid of nail fungus

Products in the kitchen cupboards are enough to fight the first signs of onychomycosis. Some types of fungi can infect the nails of hands, especially feet, causing what is called onychomycosis. This infection manifests itself in tingling, irritation, peeling skin and redness. The nail becomes darker, thicker and more fragile. This is due to a disturbance in the pH of the skin, which must be treated as soon as possible, at the risk of complicating the situation. If the symptoms are in the initial stage and the nail is not too damaged, you can try to treat yourself with some natural ingredients. But if the nail starts to come loose or if you are in pain, consult a specialist.

Essential oils

The antiseptic and disinfecting properties of lavender essential oil and tea tree essential oil make them excellent remedies against nail fungus. Thoroughly clean the area to be treated, apply the essential oil of your choice, pure, let stand for 10 to 20 minutes, rinse and dry. Repeat several times a day.

Baking soda

The advantage of this product is that it dries out excess moisture on the toes. Make a paste with baking soda and water, then apply to the nail. Let dry for about ten minutes and then rinse and dry. You can also dilute it in a bowl of warm water and soak your feet in it.

The vinegar

The acidity of cider vinegar and white vinegar helps to rebalance the pH of the skin while eliminating fungi and bacteria. Mix the same amount of vinegar and water in a bowl, and soak the area to be treated for half an hour each day. Dry your feet properly to limit moisture. The Reader’s digest site offers a variant to make this footwash even more powerful: use mouthwash instead of water.

The garlic

The antifungal compounds in garlic help to treat nail fungi. Mix a crushed clove of garlic with white vinegar and apply the mixture to the infected area, then cover it with a bandage for a few hours. Repeat every day until the infection is gone.

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