How Essential Oils Can Aid in Weight Loss.

Did you ever consider nature to help you lose weight?
Essential oils come right from nature... for our benefit and our use.
We are always quick to go to pills or fad diets to lose weight. Some even go to fasting. What about the multitude of eating disorders that exist today? Bulimia and Anorexia are just two examples. You see it in the media everyday.
But I'm sure most of you didn't even consider picking up a pure and natural oil to aid in your weight loss journey.
No essential oil can be a sure remedy to lose weight, but it does aid with metabolism and digestive issues. There have been many success stories with respect to using these oils to curb appetite, alleviate stress, uplift moods and more!
Have you ever heard of emotional eating? Binge eating? We have all done it in times of stress or even boredom. Some oils can assist with curbing this destructive behaviour.

Grapefruit has been shown to help with cellulite, overeating, weight loss, and toning, as well as stress, and uplifting the mind and thoughts. On emotional and spiritual levels, grapefruit is said to address a person's self-acceptance, self-abuse, eating disorders, and body image.
Lemon: This oil has a gentle detoxifying effect on the body by increasing energy levels. Emotionally, it can affect a person's self-judgments and self-approval.
Peppermint: Peppermint has always been known for its benefits with digestive issues, but did you know it is also great as a mind stimulant. Also great to assist with depression.
Ginger: Ever hear of ginger tea? Or ginger candies? Ginger is known for its digestive properties. An added benefit is it increases energy.
Cinnamon: Who doesn't love cinnamon? An added benefit - it enhances the work of all the other essential oils for weight loss. It also assists with circulation and digestion issues. It also increased libido.
There are many more essentials oils that aid in weight loss. I've listed my top picks.
If you plan to use these oils topically, it's best to do so at bedtime. You can put them in your diffuser, let it run overnight and inhale all the benefits these essential oils have to offer.
Essential oils offer so much more than aiding with weight loss. They also assist with depression, anxiety, arthritis, rheumatism, insomnia, indigestion, nausea, motion sickness and so much more that you most probably didn't even think of before reading this article.
There are oils for most ailments. Give it a try - you won't got back.
Marian Simone, Owner

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